Re: [Doh] Request for the DOH WG to adopt draft-hoffman-resolver-associated-doh

Stephen Farrell <> Mon, 28 January 2019 10:03 UTC

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To: Daniel Stenberg <>, Vittorio Bertola <>
Cc: DoH WG <>
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From: Stephen Farrell <>
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Subject: Re: [Doh] Request for the DOH WG to adopt draft-hoffman-resolver-associated-doh
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On adopting the draft - I think it makes sense that it be
adopted somewhere but share concerns mentioned before that
it'd be better to take a more holistic view of DNS server
discovery so am not sure if the DoH WG is the right venue.
Even if DoT discovery by probing port 853 is possible, in
some networks 853 is blocked, so some DoT servers are on
443 and hence need to be discovered. Later on, I'd not be
surprised if someone wants a way to do and discover DNS
over QUIC. So while the RAD RR proposed here may be the
right answer, I think that should emerge for a discussion
that's broader than just DoH. (Apologies if that happened
and was completed at the driu discussion, but even if so,
re-doing that discussion more formally/openly would seem
to be needed.)

Meanwhile, I got tempted into the discussion by the exchange


On 28/01/2019 08:05, Daniel Stenberg wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Jan 2019, Vittorio Bertola wrote:
>> This could be true for you and me, but average users have no idea of
>> what the DNS is - they only make one choice, they pick an *ISP* that
>> they decide to trust.
> I don't know a single ordinary person who selected their ISP based on
> their privacy stance for DNS queries. The people I know pick ISP
> primarily based on availability, price, bandwidth and technology.

I do know a handful of people who select their ISP based on their
perception of the overall tech/privacy attitude of the ISP. But yes,
that's v. rare afaik.

A similar thing is true wrt browser selection though - I know a few
people who pick and choose for various reasons, but IIUC most do not,
they just take what their OS provides.

> I actually think rather few people trust their ISP, and I think history
> would give them right since so many ISPs have violated their users'
> privacy and data through the years.

I suspect that differs from place to place in the world to some
extent. I think it's true that people where I'm from (.ie) used to
have a fairly high level of confidence that the then-encumbent
telco wasn't going to try abuse their data for profit. (There were
other downsides to dealing with a govt-owned badly-run telco, but
that wasn't one of them;-) That hasn't entirely gone despite a
number of ownership changes, but it does seem fair to say that
that confidence has been eroded quite a bit here - that company
is now just one among a bunch of similar entities, mostly picked
for price etc as you note above.

My conclusion is that people do not select their DNS recursive
in any meaningful sense.
