[Doh] DNS over HTTP/3?
bert hubert <bert.hubert@powerdns.com> Mon, 19 November 2018 10:10 UTC
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Hi everyone, Now that we are still here, perhaps some work is left for us, but I'm not sure. I've observed that the thousands of users of doh.powerdns.org (I also do not know how this happened) take around 22 packets per DNS query/response. Larger scale adoption of TLSv1.3 might improve this somewhat, but it is a big number. I've also personally observed that a "slightly suboptimal" network absolutely kills browsing performance in Firefox Nightly using DoH. A naive calculation shows that 0.5% packet loss turns into a 5% failure rate per DoH query, which then can cause Head of Line blocking for further queries, which cascades into "blank pages" getting rendered. Of course, once we have HTTP/3, DNS over HTTP/3 would suffer way less from incidental packet loss, and in general there would be a lot less packets too. My question now is, is there any specific work to be done for DoH/3? Are there number, priorities, features you'd want or not want to use to make things work well? In other words, to the sound of a groaning camel, do we need a draft? Or a section in the HTTP/3 I-D? And, perhaps somewhat more provocatively, should we maybe not start pushing DoH/2 if it leaves people with a sub-standard experience, causing them to disable DoH? DoH/3 might be somewhat of a wait but it might prevent that sour taste from developing. I'd love to hear your thoughts! Bert
- [Doh] DNS over HTTP/3? bert hubert
- Re: [Doh] DNS over HTTP/3? Ralf Weber
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] DNS over HTTP/3? Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Doh] DNS over HTTP/3? Daniel Stenberg
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] DNS over HTTP/3? bert hubert
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] DNS over HTTP/3? Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] DNS over HTTP/3? bert hubert
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] DNS over HTTP/3? Ask Bjørn Hansen
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] DNS over HTTP/3? Ted Lemon
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] DNS over HTTP/3? bert hubert
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] DNS over HTTP/3? Daniel Stenberg
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] DNS over HTTP/3? Mukund Sivaraman
- Re: [Doh] DNS over HTTP/3? Az Mankin