[Doh] ad-hoc DoH / DoT client
Steve Atkins <steve@wordtothewise.com> Thu, 11 July 2019 14:41 UTC
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I didn't find a particularly convenient way of doing ad-hoc DNS-over-not-UDP queries, at least not in a way that's user-friendly enough to give to an end user to help them understand what service they're seeing. Local proxies and stub resolvers are fine for using a particular DoX resolver, but not so good as a dig replacement for sending a query to a resolver and seeing what happens. So https://github.com/wttw/dox is a proof of concept GUI query tool. It'll build on at least macOS, Windows and various Linuxes and gives an easy way for an end user to select a resolver, send a query and see the response. It also has basic support for measuring web content fetch times using different resolvers, to give some idea of what performance a user might see - from their location, for the websites they're interested in - if they choose to use a particular resolver. Share and enjoy. Send feedback, suggestions and/or patches to steve@wordtothewise.com (or via github issues, if you prefer). Cheers, Steve
- [Doh] ad-hoc DoH / DoT client Steve Atkins
- Re: [Doh] ad-hoc DoH / DoT client Adam Roach
- Re: [Doh] ad-hoc DoH / DoT client Nico Cartron
- Re: [Doh] ad-hoc DoH / DoT client Shreyas Zare