[Doh] On today's resolverless DNS meeting
Mukund Sivaraman <muks@mukund.org> Tue, 06 November 2018 10:27 UTC
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Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2018 17:27:31 +0700
From: Mukund Sivaraman <muks@mukund.org>
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Hi all It seemed that the objective (or an objective) of what is desired is for a webpage to have an <img src=""> and also push an address record for the hostname in the src URL. We talked about DNSSEC and certificate signing and such. If the host serving this webpage to the browser has control over the webpage's content (e.g., the contents of that src attribute), and the webpage's contents are already authenticated by TLS, then why does an address record have to be separately authenticated? Why can't the webpage contain the addresses of the hostname in the URL, in another attribute of that element? Does it have to be separately signed via DNSSEC and certificates? The webpage can tell the browser to fetch the img resource from anyplace it wants to - it can very well specify an IP address instead of the hostname - the webpage controls it. Why can't it, for *that* element, provide the target address in an attribute without any additional signatures, given that the webpage's content itself is authenticated via TLS? Mukund
- [Doh] On today's resolverless DNS meeting Mukund Sivaraman
- Re: [Doh] [DNSOP] On today's resolverless DNS mee… Joe Abley
- Re: [Doh] [DNSOP] On today's resolverless DNS mee… Justin Henck
- Re: [Doh] [DNSOP] On today's resolverless DNS mee… Ben Schwartz