[Doh] Request for the DOH WG to adopt draft-hoffman-resolver-associated-doh

Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@icann.org> Wed, 16 January 2019 00:26 UTC

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From: Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@icann.org>
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Greetings again after a long time. The still-alive DOH WG did not meet at IETF 103. However, I did a short presentation on "Associating a DoH Server with a Resolver" (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-hoffman-resolver-associated-doh/) at the DNSOP WG. The presentation ended with the question of whether the draft should be taken up in a WG, and if so, where. Since then, there has been some off-list discussion that kinda ended up as "first see if the DOH WG wants to take it up".

People from a few browser vendors have expressed unofficial interest in implementing at least parts of it if it gets standardized, so it seems like a good idea to try to standardize it. There is still a reasonable amount of work to be done in the document itself, and it certainly needs input from both browser and DNS folks.

So, does this WG want to adopt this as a work item?

--Paul Hoffman