[Doh] Call For Presentations - DNS-OARC Workshop, Thailand, Bangkok, 12th/13th May 2019
Jan Včelák <jv@fcelda.cz> Thu, 06 December 2018 10:34 UTC
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From: Jan Včelák <jv@fcelda.cz>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2018 11:33:48 +0100
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Subject: [Doh] Call For Presentations - DNS-OARC Workshop, Thailand, Bangkok, 12th/13th May 2019
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The 30th DNS-OARC Workshop will take place at the Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, on May 12th and 13th 2019, hosted by ICANN. (Note that several co-located meetings are taking place immediately prior to the DNS-OARC Workshop, including the GDD Industry Summit, May 6th-9th, the Registrations Operations Workshop, May 9th, and the ICANN DNS Symposium, May 10th-11th.) The Workshop's Program Committee is now requesting proposals for presentations. All DNS-related subjects are welcome. A timeslot will also be available for lightning talks (5-10 minutes) on day two of the workshop for which submissions will be accepted until the start of the morning session on day two. There will be a Members-only session during the workshop, which will include reports on DNS-OARC's activities. If you are an OARC member and have a sensitive topic that you wish to present during that session those can be accommodated. Workshop Milestones: 05 Dec 2018 - Submissions open via Indico 22 Feb 2019 - Deadline for submission 01 Mar 2019 - Initial Contribution list published 22 Mar 2019 - Full agenda published 03 May 2019 - Deadline for slideset submission 12 May 2019 - Workshop Details for presentation submission are published here: <https://indico.dns-oarc.net/event/31/call-for-abstracts/> The workshop presentations will be organized by common themes, depending on the topics and the timing of each presentation. There are 30-minute and 15-minute slots, let us know your preference in your submission. To allow the Programme Committee to make objective assessments of submissions, so as to ensure the quality of the workshop, submissions SHOULD include slides. Draft slides are acceptable on submission. If you have questions or concerns you can contact the Programme Committee: https://www.dns-oarc.net/oarc/programme via <submissions@dns-oarc.net> Jan Včelák, for the DNS-OARC Programme Committee OARC depends on sponsorship to fund its workshops and associated social events. Please contact <sponsor@dns-oarc.net> if your organization is interested in becoming a sponsor. (Please note that OARC is run on a non-profit basis, and is not in a position to reimburse expenses or time for speakers at its meetings.)