[Doh] Web Convergence - is there a document/RFC for this apparent direction?
Todd Hubers <todd.hubers@gmail.com> Fri, 26 October 2018 00:58 UTC
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From: Todd Hubers <todd.hubers@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2018 11:57:56 +1100
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Subject: [Doh] Web Convergence - is there a document/RFC for this apparent direction?
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Hi All, Is there a document/RFC about the IETFs collective general movement toward re-standardisation of things like DNS (DOH), SMTP (JMAP), and maybe others using Web/HTTP/JSON? I read the introduction of DoH [RFC8484], and noted there was no reference there, so such a document probably doesn't exist. Instead, it could read something like "Web Convergence is desirable [RFCXXXX]", and that RFC could be very comprehensive in the collective decision about this direction. It would critically help in determining when a current standard should be considered for Web Convergence. I believe it would be something to be referenced in the charter of such a WG, to clarify WHY the work is being completed, in addition to the other good reasons. Even if we don't have an RFC, this idea does need a solid name/label. I have initial ideas for the content of such a Web Convergence RFC [Appendix 1], and what it might be ultimately called [Appendix 2] (I am also new to IETF generally, so I'm still learning. But I like learning by doing._ Thanks, Todd Hubers --- Appendix 1 For rebuilding of older standards the web way; OR, building new standards the web way. The reasons should be the same. Initial ideas for reasons to be collated in such a document/rfc: - Accessible directly by web applications (javascript), removing the need to push via a specialised application server adaptor service (eg. HTTP to SMTP) - The reuse of standard web sysops tools (eg. nginx, certificate management, services like CloudFlare and more) - The reuse of standard web frameworks and libraries (eg. header parsing, asynchronous threads) - Reducing the diffusion of open source development contribution (redefining the same functions in different standards, and different source code is inefficient). - Additional features available from current and future web standards (eg. redirect, media-type negotiation, compression, multiplexing, proxying, caching, authentication, Header Parsing, URIs, well-named folders, Identity, Semantics, etc..) - More secure with exactly the same security model as web - (eg. no plain text email transmission) - All security/firewalls leveraging accumulated PORT 80/443 and HTTP intelligence. --- Appendix 2 Possible names for this process - Web Recasting - Web Convergence - Http Convergence (specifically HTTP of Web Convergence)
- [Doh] Web Convergence - is there a document/RFC f… Todd Hubers
- Re: [Doh] Web Convergence - is there a document/R… Martin J. Dürst
- Re: [Doh] Web Convergence - is there a document/R… Todd Hubers
- Re: [Doh] Web Convergence - is there a document/R… Dave Lawrence
- Re: [Doh] Web Convergence - is there a document/R… Todd Hubers