Re: [Doh] Web Convergence - is there a document/RFC for this apparent direction?
Todd Hubers <> Fri, 26 October 2018 03:12 UTC
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Subject: Re: [Doh] Web Convergence - is there a document/RFC for this apparent direction?
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Hi Dave, This is simply a poor choice of words on my part. I see DoH as a new standard that leverages the DNS binary protocol in the message area. I used the term "re-standardization" to mean a new standard that redefines and the way an older one worked. Most significantly, DNS uses another port for example, but DoH would use port 80/443. So "redefine" is probably better, but "new standard" is probably the best, because it isn't directly superceding - the two standards will live on side by side. Also, "recasting" is another idea I had with respect to DoH. A lot of the same "material" is used, but in another form. Thanks, On Fri, 26 Oct 2018 at 13:58, Dave Lawrence <> wrote: > Todd Hubers writes: > > Is there a document/RFC about the IETFs collective general movement > > toward re-standardisation of things like DNS (DOH), SMTP (JMAP), and > > maybe others using Web/HTTP/JSON? > > I'm curious about the use of the term "re-standardization" here, and > suspect my interpretation of it is different than what you intended. > I would take the word to mean redefinition, and in that light I'd have > a really hard time defining DoH as the DNS being re-standardized. How > did you mean it? > > _______________________________________________ > Doh mailing list > > > -- -- Todd Hubers
- [Doh] Web Convergence - is there a document/RFC f… Todd Hubers
- Re: [Doh] Web Convergence - is there a document/R… Martin J. Dürst
- Re: [Doh] Web Convergence - is there a document/R… Todd Hubers
- Re: [Doh] Web Convergence - is there a document/R… Dave Lawrence
- Re: [Doh] Web Convergence - is there a document/R… Todd Hubers