[Doh] DoH client-server interoperability vs. strict HTTP parameter checking
Christoph <cm@appliedprivacy.net> Sat, 01 June 2019 12:36 UTC
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From: Christoph <cm@appliedprivacy.net>
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Subject: [Doh] DoH client-server interoperability vs. strict HTTP parameter checking
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Hello, we run a public DoH service and while running and comparing different DoH server implementations in practice we noticed that some have a higher error rate than others. The error rate was measured by looking at the fraction of each HTTP response code. It turned out that those server implementations with a higher error rate just do stricter HTTP parameter checking. Not necessarily the content of the parameter but the list of parameters contained in the request. The result is that some DoH clients are not compatible with some DoH servers. The error condition is caused by DoH clients that have additional HTTP parameters in the request that is not specified in section 4.1 of RFC8484 in combination with DoH server implementations that enforce the absence of any additional parameters. To increase interoperability we reached out to (some) affected DoH client and server vendors but we would also like to hear opinions from this WG. Should DoH servers reject requests with a '400 Bad Request' response when the request contains HTTP parameters not defined in RFC8484 or should DoH servers be less strict and simply ignore additional HTTP parameters and proceed with processing the relevant HTTP parameters required to provide an answer? thanks, Christoph
- [Doh] DoH client-server interoperability vs. stri… Christoph
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] DoH client-server interoperabilit… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] DoH client-server interoperabilit… Mark Delany
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] DoH client-server interoperabilit… Christoph
- Re: [Doh] DoH client-server interoperability vs. … Patrick McManus
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] DoH client-server interoperabilit… bert hubert
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] DoH client-server interoperabilit… Mark Delany
- Re: [Doh] [Ext] DoH client-server interoperabilit… Joe Abley
- [Doh] signalling client expectations and server c… Jim Reid
- Re: [Doh] signalling client expectations and serv… Mark Delany
- Re: [Doh] DoH client-server interoperability vs. … Vladimír Čunát
- Re: [Doh] DoH client-server interoperability vs. … Joe Abley
- Re: [Doh] DoH client-server interoperability vs. … Patrick McManus