[Doh] [ietf-secretariat@ietf.org: New Non-WG Mailing List: masque]
Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer@nic.fr> Tue, 23 April 2019 18:23 UTC
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Interesting list. The deployment model envisaged at the end is exactly what would be good for DoH.
--- Begin Message ---A new IETF non-working group email list has been created. List address: masque@ietf.org Archive: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/masque/ To subscribe: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/masque Purpose: MASQUE (Multiplexed Application Substrate over QUIC Encryption) is a mechanism that allows co-locating and obfuscating networking applications behind an HTTPS web server. The currently prevalent use-case is to allow running a VPN server that is indistinguishable from an HTTPS server to any unauthenticated observer. We do not expect major providers and CDNs to deploy this behind their main TLS certificate, as they are not willing to take the risk of getting blocked (given previous experiences when domain fronting was blocked). An expected use would be for individuals to enable this behind their personal websites via easy-to-configure open-source software. This list belong IETF area: SEC For additional information, please contact the list administrators.--- End Message ---
- [Doh] [ietf-secretariat@ietf.org: New Non-WG Mail… Stephane Bortzmeyer