[Dots] Closing DOTS?

Valery Smyslov <valery@smyslov.net> Mon, 27 March 2023 14:55 UTC

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From: Valery Smyslov <valery@smyslov.net>
To: dots@ietf.org
Cc: dots-chairs@ietf.org, 'Paul Wouters' <paul.wouters@aiven.io>
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the DOTS WG has completed all its tasks according to the current charter
(the last WG draft - telemetry use cases is in the RFC Editor queue and
will hopefully be published soon).

Additionally, we don't have any new discussion on the list for quite a long time
and we skipped 3 IETF meetings for this reason.

The chairs discussed this with the responsible AD and we came to a conclusion
that it's time to close the group or recharter it if there is  
an interest in more work items related to DOTS.

So, our question to the WG - should the group be closed?
And if the answer is no, then what are new items
the WG can work on after its recharter?

Valery (for chairs)