[Dots] clarification questions from the hackathon
kaname nishizuka <kaname@nttv6.jp> Thu, 28 March 2019 10:37 UTC
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Hi, I'd like to continue discussion of these topics in the ML. #1: Questions about signal-control-filtering 1. Should a mitigation request create a mitigation before doing a PUT + acl-list [{acl-name, activation-type}] against the active mitigation, or is a ‘PUT + acl-list [{acl-name, activation-type}]’ allowed to create a new mitigation? 2. Should the response to a GET (or Observed GET) include the acl-list [{acl-name, activation-type}] if the PUT included it? 3. Does the response to the PUT (the echoed back response payload of the PUT representation https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7252#section- ) include the acl-list (if defined) or not? 4. Is the activation change to the ACL a permanent change to the ACL (so a GET on the data channel returns the new type)? 5. Does the activation change to the ACL count as an ACL refresh (pending-lifetime update)? 6. Is CBOR activation –type comprehension-required or comprehension-optional? Regarding with the 1st point, we got feedbacks from Med and Tiru that both should be allowed. If ‘PUT + acl-list [{acl-name, activation-type}]’ allowed to create a new mitigation, it should be treated as this is a request in "attack-time". (#2: Data Channel Implicit protocol number was addressed clearly by Med's comment.) #3: (D)TLS session lifetime From the view point of DOTS server, when to expire the old (D)TLS session is implementation specific though, I'd like to hear from experts about preferable setting (timer or something else...?) thanks, Kaname
- [Dots] clarification questions from the hackathon kaname nishizuka
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… Olli Vanhoja
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… mohamed.boucadair
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… mohamed.boucadair
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… Jon Shallow
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… Konda, Tirumaleswar Reddy
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… Jon Shallow
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… Konda, Tirumaleswar Reddy
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… mohamed.boucadair
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… kaname nishizuka
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… mohamed.boucadair
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… mohamed.boucadair
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… Jon Shallow
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… Konda, Tirumaleswar Reddy
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… mohamed.boucadair
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… Konda, Tirumaleswar Reddy
- Re: [Dots] clarification questions from the hacka… mohamed.boucadair