[dsfjdssdfsd] getentropy(2)
Watson Ladd <watsonbladd@gmail.com> Tue, 15 July 2014 02:54 UTC
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From: Watson Ladd <watsonbladd@gmail.com>
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Subject: [dsfjdssdfsd] getentropy(2)
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Dear all, The absence of getentropy(2) on Linux is a major pain point for everyone. It turns out that chroot jails are not compatible with /dev/urandom. which doesn't work on linux anyway (because it will return junk before initialization). As a TLS developer myself (slowly!) I feel that pain: random number generation is the single nastiest problem I have to deal with. Yes, this is different from the usual IETF standard. But application and library developers need a portable way to get entropy, and that has to be the same across all platforms, work every time. Nothing short of a standard system call will work. Perhaps there is a more appropriate venue like the Open Group or POSIX or the Cxx committee (no doubt C++ will happily adopt it: a feature not in C++ is always a bug). That's all I need: a platform and hardware independent means to get some random numbers. Sincerely, Watson Ladd
- [dsfjdssdfsd] getentropy(2) Watson Ladd
- Re: [dsfjdssdfsd] getentropy(2) Theodore Ts'o
- Re: [dsfjdssdfsd] getentropy(2) Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [dsfjdssdfsd] getentropy(2) Theodore Ts'o
- Re: [dsfjdssdfsd] getentropy(2) Watson Ladd
- Re: [dsfjdssdfsd] getentropy(2) Alyssa Rowan
- Re: [dsfjdssdfsd] getentropy(2) Theodore Ts'o
- Re: [dsfjdssdfsd] getentropy(2) Watson Ladd