[dtn-interest] [Deadline Extended, Aug. 3 (Firm)] IEEE MSN 2021- The 17th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN 2021)
IEEE MSN <msn2021.publicity@gmail.com> Fri, 30 July 2021 16:00 UTC
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Subject: [dtn-interest] [Deadline Extended, Aug. 3 (Firm)] IEEE MSN 2021- The 17th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN 2021)
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*** Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP *** The 17th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (IEEE MSN 2021) December 13-15, 2021 · Exeter, U. K. www.ieee-msn.org/2021/ *(EXTENDED) Paper Submission Due: August 3, 2021 (Firm)* MSN 2021 provides a forum for academic researchers and industry practitioners to present research progresses, exchange new ideas, and identify future directions in the field of Mobility, Sensing and Networking. MSN 2021 is technically sponsored by IEEE. Scope and Objectives Mobility, sensing and networking are the key areas of enabling technologies for the next-generation networks, Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems. Recent years have witnessed the increasing convergence of algorithms, protocols, and applications for mobility, sensing and networking in a range of applications including connected vehicles, smart cities, industries, and smart health. Building on the past 16 years of success, the 17th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN 2021) provides a forum for academic researchers and industry practitioners to exchange new research ideas, present their progress, and identify future directions in the field of mobility, sensing and networking. The conference solicits submissions from all research areas related to mobility, sensing and networking, as well as their corresponding systems and applications. Topics of interests are covered by the following tracks: *Track 1. Algorithms, Theory, and Protocols* Chairs: Kezhi Wang, University of Northumbria, U.K. Chathura Sarathchandra, InterDigitial Europe, U.K. *Track 2. Systems, Tools, Experiments & Applications* Chairs: Xiaojun Zhai, University of Essex, U.K. Faycal Bensaali, Qatar University, Qatar *Track 3. Mobile & Wireless Sensing and Networking* Chairs: Xinyu Zhang, University of California San Diego, USA Yiannis Pefkianakis, Apple, USA *Track 4. Edge Computing and IoT* Chairs: Qun Li, College of William and Mary, USA Zhenming Liu, College of William and Mary, USA *Track 5. Network Security, Privacy, Trust, and Blockchain* Chairs: Cong Wang, City University of Hong Kong, Hongkong. David Mohaisen, University of Central Florida, USA *Track 6. Big Data and AI in Networking* Chairs: Hong Xu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hongkong Pietro Manzoni, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain Best Paper Awards and Journal Special Issues: *Three accepted papers* will be selected for best paper awards. Selected papers will be recommended to* IEEE Transactions on Network Science andEngineering (TNSE, IF: 5.213), Digital Communications and Networks (IF: 6.797)* and *Elsevier Computer Communications *for potential fast-track publications. *Keynotes, Tutorials, and Panel will be arranged. *Keynote Speaker 1: *Prof. Kin K. Leung, Imperial College London, U. K. *Tutorial 1: *RFID and Backscatter Communications for Motion Capture and Fine Scale Localization Prof. Gregory David Durgin, Georgia Tech, USA *Tutorial 2:* Federated Analytics: A New Collaborative Computing Paradigm towards Privacy focusing World Prof. Dan Wang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hongkong Ms. Siping Shi Submission Procedures Submitted manuscripts must be prepared according to IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Format (double column, 10pt font, letter paper) and submitted in the PDF format. The manuscript submitted for review should be no longer than 8 pages. After the manuscript is accepted, the camera-ready paper may have up to 10 pages, subject to an additional fee per extra page. Manuscripts should be submitted to one of the research tracks. Submitted manuscripts must not contain previously published material or be under consideration for publication in another conference or journal at the time of submission. The accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore. Important Dates *Paper Submission Due: July 23, 2021 -> August 3, 2021 (Firm)* Author Notification: September 15, 2021 Camera-ready Due: October 20, 2021 Conference Date: December 13-15, 2021 Technical Program Committee Chairs: Geyong Min, University of Exeter, U. K. Baochun Li, University of Toronto, Canada General Chairs: Mohammad Shojafar, University of Surrey, U. K. Ruidong Li, Kanazawa University, Japan Steering Committee Co-Chairs: Jiannong Cao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK Xiaohua Jia, City University of Hong Kong, HK