[dtn-interest] [LCN 2021][Demos][Deadline approaching] 46th annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (Demo Session)
publicity@ieeelcn.org Fri, 03 September 2021 00:02 UTC
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Subject: [dtn-interest] [LCN 2021][Demos][Deadline approaching] 46th annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (Demo Session)
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============================================================================== Call for Demos The 46th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2021) ============================================================================== October 4-7, 2021 http://www.ieeelcn.org IMPORTANT: After evaluating the current COVID-19 situation, the decision has been made to hold this year's LCN in a fully virtual conference. The conference dates remain the same. Consider a virtual demo as an opportunity to showcase your work in a way that was not possible in physical meetings or would have required to travel with a lot of gear. We will do our best to accommodate demo author needs to present and discuss the demo virtually. ## Scope IEEE LCN 2021 will feature a demo session with the aim of providing demonstrations that validate important research issues and/or show innovative prototypes. Authors are invited to submit technical demonstrations (no more than 3 pages) showing innovative and original research. The authors are encouraged to highlight the research component of the demo and explicitly mention the novelty of the showcased technology/ solution. The proposal should include one page that describes what conference participants will be able to see or experience during the demonstration. IEEE LCN is looking for demonstrations in all topics covered by the main conference and/or the symposium held in conjunction with LCN 2021. Research prototypes as well as commercial products are welcome. ## Demo Submission Proposals (no more than 3 pages) must be submitted via EDAS to the LCN Demo Track: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=28077&track=107632 Demonstrations will be selected based on their merits and expected interest from the LCN audience. All demo proposals will be reviewed by the members of the Demo Board via an EDAS score sheet. The scores will be provided to the authors along with the notification. ## Virtual Demo Presentation Demo presentations will be organised as parallel dedicated virtual rooms for each demo similar to a face-to-face demo session. Demo presenters will have the opportunity to perform live demos while also answering questions from the audience. In addition, authors of accepted demos will also be asked to record a video to best showcase the demo which will be available for attendees during the conference. * A best demo award will be awarded to the demo with the most votes from the audience. ## Important Dates Demo Submission: Sep 6, 2021 [Extended] Demo Acceptance: Sep 20, 2021 Demo Camera Ready: Sep 27, 2021 ## Registration for Demos For conference registration, a demo is not regarded as a paper, i.e., * demo presenters with no accepted conference or symposium papers must select "non-author registration" when registering for the conference * demo presenters with accepted LCN or symposium papers incur no extra charge for a demo. The conference registration will cover their demo. Please feel free to contact the demo chair if you have any questions regarding the demo content or setup. Demo Chair: Kanchana Thilakarathna <kanchana.thilakarathna@sydney.edu.au> -- Follow LCN on Twitter https://www.ieeelcn.org/twitter Follow LCN on LinkedIn https://www.ieeelcn.org/linkedin Follow LCN on Youtube https://www.ieeelcn.org/youtube