[e2md] Doodle: Bar-BoF for additional E2MD discussions

Bernie Hoeneisen <bernie@ietf.hoeneisen.ch> Sat, 10 July 2010 11:03 UTC

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Dear E2MD:ers

As informed earlier, the main discussion on E2MD will take place during 
the ENUM WG session at IETF-78 in Maastricht. However, I expect we need 
more time for specific E2MD issues. Therefore a follow-up session in the 
form of a Bar-BoF is foreseen.

The Bar-BoF will take place either after Wed or after Thu plenary
20:00 - 21:30.

In case you are about to attend this Bar-BoF, please indicate your 
preferences by next Tue, 13 July 2010, on Doodle:


The focus of this Bar-BoF will be on advancing the work that has been 
agreed on during the last conference calls and the upcoming ENUM WG 



Tech Consulting for Internet Standardization

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Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 12:37:34
From: Doodle <mailer@doodle.com>
To: b@hoeneisen.ch
Subject: Doodle: Link for poll "E2MD Bar-BoF @ IETF-78"

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