[e2md] Comments/questions on Requirements
Bernie Hoeneisen <bernie@ietf.hoeneisen.ch> Sun, 23 May 2010 11:28 UTC
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Hi E2MD:ers As a preparation to our next confernce call I went through the requirements we collected so far on the wiki page: http://trac.tools.ietf.org/bof/e2md/trac/wiki/RequirementsList Please find my questions/comments also inline below. cheers, Bernie PS: Thanks Jay Daley and Dean Wills for their work on the first set of requirements! > 1 Generic requirements > > 1.1 Access to data > > 1.1.1 Public and private use cases > > Each proposal has a public use case. That is to say there is a > valid requirement for that data to be published in public > database unencumbered by access control. Most proposals have a > private use case. That is to say there are valid requirements > for that data to be subject to access control. For example: > > * CNAM has an obvious private use case when the data > personally identifies a private individual. It also has a > public use case, when the CNAM refers to a company and > local regulation exists that requires companies to > accurately identify themselves as the originator of > telephone calls. How about the dimension User ENUM vs. Infrastructure ENUM? See also: http://trac.tools.ietf.org/bof/e2md/trac/attachment/wiki/RequirementsList/ENUM_forest.png > 1.1.2 Mechanisms for controlling access > > The alternate mechanisms for controlling access to data include: > > 1. indirection - some data is made public but only acts as a > key, possibly along with other known data, into a private > database. > > 2. source differentiation - a public or private database that > validates the source that makes the requests and returns > specific data for that source > > 3. private database - a wholly private database that access is > only granted to by contractual agreement and on which all > the data is the same (so no source differentiation). > > 4. selective encryption - private records are encrypted with a > key known to the authorized node. > > 1.1.3 Relationships between parties > > The relationships between the various parties that produce and > consume data, leading to access control requirements, are > summarised as: > > 1. A producer may choose to provide different information to > different consumers. > > 2. A producer may choose to provide no usable information at > all to some consumers. > > 3. A producer cannot expect a consumer to keep data secret > from itself. (So if a consumer asks the same question of > the producer and receives two different answers, for > whatever reason such as source differentiation, then the > consumer is trusted to use that data as the producer > intends, it is not a requirement for a mechanism to prevent > the consumer misusing that data.) This needs clarification! > 4. A producer may not wish for one consumer to know that it > has published different data to another consumer. (So it > may not want it obvious to a consumer that there is other > data that it does not have access to.) > > 1.2 Relevance > > There are two known relevancy domains for the data: > > * for originating a call > * for receiving a call > > It is a requirement that the client that makes the lookup can > separate out the data for the relevancy domain that it is > interested in. Do we really need this? (e.g. if a call is originated in the PSTN, both might be relevant.) > 1.2.1 Mechanisms for separating out relevancy domains > > This may be achieved by: > > * a single query only returning information from one > relevancy domain > > * the client filtering the returned values to extract those > it requires > > 1.3 Performance requirements > > The database needs the following performance characteristics: > > 1. A real-time response (in the order of milliseconds). > > 2. Scalable to hundreds of millions of keys. > > 3. Scalable to millions of querying clients. > > 4. Scalable to accommodate millions of changes per day. > > It does not need the following performance characteristics: > > 1. Deliver data greater that a few kilobytes in size. > > 2. Guaranteed consistency. > > 2 DNS Protocol considerations > > 2.1 Access to data > > The various 'pure' DNS mechanisms for controlling access are: > > 1. Private trees. Private trees as such do not implement access control. > 2. Only publishing an indirect key in DNS. > > The various DNS+ mechanisms for controlling access are: > > 1. Source-URI This term needs to be defined! > 2. Replicating DNS on a different port and confining it to > this data [Is this really what that proposal is about?] > > 2.2 Relevancy ΒΆ > > The various mechanisms for separating out relevancy domains are: > > 1. Private trees > > 2. Different branches of the same tree. So e164m.arpa for data > needed to 'make' a call and e164r.arpa for data needed to > 'receive' a call. > > 3. Source-URI
- [e2md] Comments/questions on Requirements Bernie Hoeneisen