[e2md] IETF 78 - Meeting and Sponsorship Information (fwd)

Bernie Hoeneisen <bernie@ietf.hoeneisen.ch> Thu, 03 June 2010 20:02 UTC

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
78th IETF Meeting
Maastricht, Netherlands
July 25-30, 2010

1. Sponsorship Opportunities
2. Registration Types
3. Visas and Letters of Invitation
4. Accommodations & Breakfast Information
5. IETF 79 (Beijing) Visa Information

1) Sponsorship Opportunities
There are still sponsorship opportunities and benefits for high profile
company/organizational exposure at the upcoming IETF meeting in
Maastricht, Netherlands from July 25-30, 2010.  All sponsorship fees go
directly to fund the operations of the IETF.  See the options at:
http://www.ietf.org/meeting/78/index.html ?Sponsorship Opportunities?
under ?General?.  Each of the sponsorship options provide extended and
repeat exposure at this weeklong meeting.

Please contact Drew Dvorshak, dvorshak@isoc.org, with any questions
and/or to reserve your organization?s spot.  Thanks in advance for
supporting the critical work of the IETF!

2) Register online at:  http://www.ietf.org/meetings/78/

3) Letters of Invitation and Visas
Letters of Invitation
After you complete the meeting registration process, you will be given the
option to request a letter of invitation. You can request the Letter of
Invitation as soon as you finish registration, or at a later time by
following the link provided in the confirmation email.

Please check the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs site
(http://www.minbuza.nl/en/Services/Consular_Services/Visa) for list of
countries with visa exemptions.

We recommend you give yourself at least one month to complete the visa

4) Accommodations & Breakfast Information

5) If you want to start planning for your trip to IETF 79 in Beijing, we
have visa information online here:

Only 52 days until IETF 78!