[Ecrit] draft-ietf-ecrit-additional-data-15

Hannes Tschofenig <hannes.tschofenig@gmx.net> Sat, 26 October 2013 10:38 UTC

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Hi all,

I am working on version -15 of the additional data document and here is 
the current snapshot:

The changes include:

  * Changes to the URNs and MIME types, as noted by Matt.
  * Changes to XML schemas and examples caused by the URN / MIME type 
  * Replaced examples from Section 5 with a long example, as requested 
by Christer.
  * Added the <id> concept raised by Brian (although not yet added to 
the XML schema)
  * Added a missing 'service environment' registry

Since there are changes in the entire document I am sure I have messed 
something up. It would be helpful if someone could look at the document, 
and particularly at the example!
