Re: [Ecrit] AD evaluation: draft-ietf-ecrit-ecall-20

Randall Gellens <> Thu, 15 December 2016 18:17 UTC

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At 9:50 AM -0500 12/15/16, Alissa Cooper wrote:

>   >> = Section =
>>>  (1) msgid is underspecified. What is it supposed to be used for?
>>>  Why is it Conditional?
>>  It's used in draft-ietf-ecrit-car-crash.  It's Conditional because it
>>  is only needed when using static messages.  It's used to indicate
>>  either the static message that the vehicle should display/speak to
>>  the occupants, or the set of static messages supported by the vehicle
>>  (by specifying the highest supported value).  I added clarifying text
>>  to the Description:
>>     Description:  Defined for extensibility.  Documents that make use of
>>        it are expected to explain when it is required and how it it used.
>>  Anything more explicit would require that I mention static messages,
>>  which are not used in this document (they're used in car-crash), and
>>  I'm afraid that would be more confusing.
>  The design of this seems like it could be improved, then. Since the 
> attributes are generic and could be used to describe a variety of 
> requests, wouldn't it make more sense to specify a generic ID 
> attribute in the event that a future extension defines some other 
> action which also makes use of integer IDs? Come to think of it, 
> isn't this basically what element-ID is for, except that element-ID 
> is a token rather than an integer? If the msgid attribute really 
> only makes sense in the context of a specific extension defined 
> elsewhere, it doesn't make sense to define it narrowly here.

OK, I changed the name to "int-id" to make it more generic.

>   >> (2) For supported-values, requested-state, and element-ID, what is
>>>  the expectation about where and how the permitted values will be
>>>  specified?
>>  Since these are all defined for extensibility, the expectation is
>>  that the document that uses it defines this.  The car-crash draft
>>  makes use of them and defines this.
>  I don't see where car-crash uses requested-state or element-ID. Are 
> you sure you need them (with a caveat about needing some kind of 
> ID, per my comment above)?

This was an error in the car-crash draft, where the old names were 
used.  I've fixed the draft to now correctly use element-id and 
requested-state (and also int-id).

Randall Gellens
Opinions are personal;    facts are suspect;    I speak for myself only
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Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
    --Salvador Hardin