[Ecrit] Comments on draft-ietf-ecrit-similar-location-03
Randall Gellens <rg+ietf@randy.pensive.org> Mon, 31 October 2016 18:08 UTC
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To: Roger Marshall <RMarshall@telecomsys.com>, Jeff Martin <jmartin@comtechtel.com>, Brian Rosen <Brian.Rosen@neustar.biz>, ecrit@ietf.org
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Hi Roger, Jeff, Brian, There's a typo in the second-to-last paragraph of Section 1: "protocol extension will protocol extension will". Also in the definition of "Civic Location": "to to". Also the definition of "Invalid Location" contains the term "findRequest" which I think should be "findService request". Also in section 3, "when invalid location is received" should perhaps be "invalid location elements are received". Also in section 4, consider using all uppercase forms of "optional" for clarity. I also think the definition of "Civic Location" could be made more clear (e.g., perhaps by mentioning that it is typically a street or postal address or part of one). I suggest rewording the second paragraph of section 4 to use descriptive rather than normative language, since "few" is not definable and hence the SHOULD NOT and MAY don't really seen appropriate. Consider mentioning if the additional elements can be returned only when validateLocation="true". -- Randall Gellens Opinions are personal; facts are suspect; I speak for myself only -------------- Randomly selected tag: --------------- And still I persist in wondering if folly must always be man's nemesis. --Edgar Pangborn
- [Ecrit] Comments on draft-ietf-ecrit-similar-loca… Randall Gellens