Re: [Ecrit] Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-ecrit-psap-callback-10
Hannes Tschofenig <> Fri, 27 September 2013 18:49 UTC
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Hi Vijay, I updated the draft to take your remarks into account. I liked the security requirements text to the security threats section, as you suggested. I believe you have a point regarding the remark about the security solution. The current description focuses on the PSAP but not on the UA. I assumed that we essentially inherit the functionality from the PhoneBCP document but that should be expressed somewhere. So, I added the following section to the draft: ---- The approach for dealing with implementing the security requirements described in Section 5.2 can be differentiated between the behavior applied by the UA and by SIP proxies. A UA that has made an emergency call will keep state information so that it can recognize and accepted a callback from the PSAP if it occurs within a reasonable time after an emergency call was placed, as described in Section 13 of [RFC6443]. Since UA considerations are described already in [RFC6443] as well as in [RFC6881] the rest of this section focuses on the behavior of SIP proxies. ----- What do you think about that addition? Do you think it addresses your concern? Ciao Hannes On 26.09.2013 19:18, Vijay K. Gurbani wrote: > On 09/26/2013 08:22 AM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote: >> Hi Vijay, >> >> thanks for reviewing the document. > > Hannes: No problem, thanks for considering my comments. > > Please see inline. > >> Section 5.1 describes the security threat. It is actually quite simple: >> Imagine you have a mechanism that allows you to bypass blacklists. >> >> The psap-callback is such a mechanism. >> >> So, the threat is that someone could misuse the psap-callback procedure >> to bypass blacklists (etc.) to send you unwanted traffic. >> >> The first requirement says that the developed mechanism has to provide >> some protection against it. > > I understand the threat implicit in S5.1, but that threat and the > opening paragraph of S5.2 do not correlate for me when I read the draft. > The opening paragraph of S5.2 starts with, > > "The requirement is to ...", > > I am unable to tell exactly *which* requirement are you talking about > by using the definite article ("The"). One way to fix this is to simply > start S5.2 by saying "The security threat discussed in Section 5.1 leads > to the requirement to ensure that ..." > > Phrased as such, the cause and effect between S5.1 and first paragraph > of S5.2 are much more clear. > >>> The second paragraph of S5.2 constitutes a separate requirement. >> >> Yup. >> >> Note that both requirements aren't written with RFC 2119 requirements >> language but I believe that's fine in this case. >>> >>> Is it worth spelling these out explicitly as requirements? >> >> I don't think it will get any easier to read. > > I am not as much worried about phrasing these using rfc2119-type > language as much as I am worried about ensuring that the intent of > what you write shows through. And the small modification I proposed > above allows you do not spell out these as normative requirements > but still impart to the reader the gravity of them. > >>> - S5.3, last paragraph: It seems to me that the SIP UA is the authority >>> insofar as it can maintain state that an emergency call was made a >>> short while ago. Consequently, it would seem beneficial to couple the >>> presence of the callback marking with this state and override local UA >>> behaviour. >> >> This works at the UA and only if the callback reaches the same UA. > > I don't think we are on the same page. > > S5.3 is attempting to use the identity of the PSAP to determine whether > to honor the callback marking. I have no problem with this. > > The point I am trying to make is to allow the UA itself to be the judge > on whether or not to honor the callback marking (i.e., endpoint > intelligence). A UA knows it made an SOS call, therefore, it seems > that *it* should be allowed a role in the decision making on whether to > accept an incoming call that has callback marking. > > If the UA made an SOS call and hung up (for whatever reason), AND it > gets an incoming call with the callback marking, it overrides local > filters and behaviour to simply accept the call. > > If the UA gets an incoming call with callback marking, AND the UA has > not made an outgoing SOS call, then clearly this incoming call is spam. > >> However, as the scenarios outline in the beginning of the draft we are >> also talking about intermediaries and we have to consider more complex >> deployments where the signaling path of the original emergency call is >> not the same as the reversed signaling path of the callback. > > Except for the PSTN interworking case (S3.5), I don't see that the > remaining complex deployments hinder you in delivering the call from > the PSAP to the same UA that originated the call. > > From my analysis, in Section 3.1 when the ESRP makes a call back to the > UA and this call goes through the inbound proxy, the GRUU in the call > will ensure that the same UA receives the inbound call. > > In Section 3.2, the callback from may get normal treatment > from the VoIP provider's inbound proxy, but assuming that the inbound > proxy preserves the callback markings (which it should), then the UA > can uses the knowledge that it made an outbound SOS call to receive the > incoming call. Here, even a malicious actor (spammer) in the VoIP > provider's network somehow manages to inject calls with the "Priority: > psap-callback" header then the UA can reject these calls as spam since > it knows that it never made an SOS call. > > In Section 3.3, the callback originates from and the > intermediaries/caller's UA have saved Again, assuming that > the intermediaries are able to deliver the callback to the UA, the UA > can accept the call simply based on the fact that it made an outbound > SOS call! > > Same logic applies in Section 3.4. The UA knows it made an SOS call, > therefore, at a later time if it gets a incoming call with the callback > marking, it can accept it. > > In short, what I am arguing for is for the UA be allowed to be an actor > in the decision on accepting an incoming call with callback markings > simply because the UA has the authoritative answer on whether it made an > outgoing emergency call. Assuming that the intermediaries are able to > deliver the callback from the PSAP to the UA, it is easy for the UA to > decide to accept it or not: If the UA never made an outgoing emergency > call, then any incoming call with callback marking is treated as spam. > If the UA made an outgoing emergency call, then an incoming call with > callback marking is accepted. > > Please let me know what you think. > > Thanks, > > - vijay
- Re: [Ecrit] Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-ecrit-ps… Hannes Tschofenig
- Re: [Ecrit] Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-ecrit-ps… Hannes Tschofenig
- Re: [Ecrit] [Gen-art] Gen-ART review of draft-iet… Christer Holmberg
- Re: [Ecrit] Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-ecrit-ps… Hannes Tschofenig