[Ecrit] meeting agenda, charter & milestone changes

Roger Marshall <RMarshall@telecomsys.com> Wed, 30 October 2013 15:48 UTC

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Please see the agenda posted in the Meeting Materials Manager (and included below),

Note that the Milestones have been updated, while the Charter updates are under review by the ISB & IESG (revised version included at end).

-roger marshall.


ECRIT Agenda - 09:00-11:30, Monday, November 4, 2013 Vancouver

10 min * Agenda Bashing, Draft Status Update (Chairs)

20 min * Additional Data related to an Emergency Call (Hannes)

15 min * Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) based Data-Only Emergency Alerts using the Session Initiation Protocol (Brian)

15 min * Updating Additional Data related to an Emergency Call using Subscribe/Notify (Brian)

10 min * A LoST extension to support return of complete and similar location info (Brian)

20 min * Internet Protocol-based In-Vehicle Emergency Calls (Randy)

20 min * Next-Generation Pan-European eCall (Randy)



Updated (as proposed) ECRIT Charter

Description of Working Group:

    In a number of areas, the public switched telephone network (PSTN) has
    been configured to recognize an explicitly specified number (usually
    one that is short and easily memorized) as a request for emergency
    services.  These numbers (e.g., 911, 112) are related to an emergency
    service context and depend on a broad, regional configuration of
    service contact methods and a geographically-constrained approach for
    service delivery.  These calls are intended to be delivered to special
    call centers equipped to manage emergency response. Successful
    delivery of an emergency service call within those systems requires
    an association of both the physical location of the originating device
    along with appropriate call routing to an emergency service center.

    Calls placed using Internet technologies do not use the same systems
    Mentioned above to achieve those same goals, and the common use of
    overlay networks and tunnels (either as VPNs or for mobility) makes
    meeting these goals even more challenging.  There are, however,
    Internet technologies available to manage location and to perform call
    routing.  This working group will describe where and how these mechanisms
    may be used. The group will show how the availability of location data
    and call routing information at different steps in the call session
    setup would enable communication between a user and a relevant emergency
    response center. Though the term "call routing" is used,
    it should be understood that some of the mechanisms which will be
    described might be used to enable other types of media streams.

    Beyond human initiated emergency call request mechanisms, this group will
    develop new methods to request emergency assistance, such as sensor
    initiated emergency requests, and additional processes specified that
    address topics such as authentication of location, service URN definition
    and use, augmented information that could assist emergency call takers or

    Explicitly outside the scope of this group is the question of
    pre-emption or prioritization of emergency services traffic. This
    group is considering emergency services calls which might be made by
    any user of the Internet, as opposed to government or military
    services that may impose very different authentication and routing

    While this group anticipates a close working relationship with groups
    such as NENA, EENA, 3GPP, and ETSI , any solution presented must be
    general enough to be potentially useful in or across multiple regions
    or jurisdictions, and it must be possible to use without requiring a
    single, central authority.  Further, it must be possible for multiple
    delegations within a jurisdiction to be handled independently, things
    such as call routing for specific emergency types, media types, language
    contents, etc.,  may be routed differently depending on established
    policies and availability.

    This working group cares about privacy and security concerns, and will
    address them within its documents.

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