Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not changing in 8713: Ineligibility by being a board/group member.
Luc André Burdet <> Thu, 22 September 2022 12:30 UTC
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From: Luc André Burdet <>
To: Lars Eggert <>, John C Klensin <>
CC: Barry Leiba <>, Martin Duke <>, Robert Sparks <>, "" <>
Thread-Topic: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not changing in 8713: Ineligibility by being a board/group member.
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Subject: Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not changing in 8713: Ineligibility by being a board/group member.
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Given I had the same feedback on an initial reading (4.15 updates) I think the document needs to be clear that its scope is replacing 4.14 and all other mentions of eligibility restrictions are ‘repeated here for legibility and completeness only’ . >From my thread the “R1 and R3” need to be very clear that they’re just repeated but R2 is the real and only update. In prose though. Regards, Luc André Luc André Burdet | Cisco | | Tel: +1 613 254 4814 From: Eligibility-discuss <> on behalf of Lars Eggert <> Date: Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 02:37 To: John C Klensin <> Cc: Barry Leiba <>, Martin Duke <>, Robert Sparks <>, <> Subject: Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not changing in 8713: Ineligibility by being a board/group member. Hi, AD hat on. On 2022-9-21, at 21:31, John C Klensin <> wrote: > FWIW, there is an argument for completely replacing 8713 rather > than adjusting things where needed but relying on it for > everything else. There is that argument, and it was brought up in discussion, but: > While I suspect it would be impractical given the schedule, This. We need to have a specific fix in place by the time the next NomCom cycle starts, and I believe this will not be possible if we open up all of 8713. > If we cannot do that, > the second-best (and more practical) option would be to make it > extremely clear that one looks in this document for a complete > replacement for Section 4.14 (and maybe 4.15, see below) of RFC > 8713 and that 8713 is authoritative for everything else. That seems like an actionable suggestion, and your text suggestion (which I cut) looks reasonable to me. I'm open to discussing a rechartering of the WG to do other changes to the NomCom eligibility criteria after it has delivered its chartered work item, but not before. Thanks, Lars
- [Eligibility-discuss] Repo is up Martin Duke
- [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not cha… Robert Sparks
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… Martin Duke
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… Barry Leiba
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… John C Klensin
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… Lars Eggert
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… Luc André Burdet
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… Luc André Burdet
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… Salz, Rich
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… Martin Duke