[Eligibility-discuss] Implementation note: Fuzz in rule 2.
Robert Sparks <rjsparks@nostrum.com> Thu, 29 September 2022 15:29 UTC
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Subject: [Eligibility-discuss] Implementation note: Fuzz in rule 2.
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At: > Path 2: The person has been a Working Group Chair or Secretary within > the 3 years prior to the day the call for NomCom volunteers is sent > to the community. The text is fine. Please do not change that text based on what I say here. I just want to raise awareness of a rough edge in implementation. Right now, the datatracker has a very poor idea of when someone _stops_ being a chair (or stops being in any other role). It has to be inferred, and it can infer incorrectly. So, for the short term (likely to extend through the 2023 selection process), there will be fuzz for some people with roles that ended just before the window path 2 describes, or started in the role between the date the call for volunteers was sent to the community and when eligibility is assessed. The implementation will fail such that it is more inclusive (it will overqualify rather than underqualify any person that falls into that fuzz). In the long run, we will improve the datatracker's way of tracking when roles are exited and can be more precise in implementing path 2. RjS
- [Eligibility-discuss] Implementation note: Fuzz i… Robert Sparks
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] Implementation note: Fu… Michael Richardson