Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not changing in 8713: Ineligibility by being a board/group member.
Luc André Burdet <> Thu, 22 September 2022 13:22 UTC
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From: Luc André Burdet <>
To: Lars Eggert <>, John C Klensin <>
CC: Barry Leiba <>, Martin Duke <>, Robert Sparks <>, "" <>
Thread-Topic: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not changing in 8713: Ineligibility by being a board/group member.
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Subject: Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not changing in 8713: Ineligibility by being a board/group member.
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Just 2 cents on “replacing 4.14 in its entirety”, 4.14 has other portions that would need to be repeated else they would be ‘replaced’ by nothing ? PR: NomCom eligibility, and makes recommendations on how the process of qualification based on attendance should work. This document replaces the attendance criteria in {{Section 4.14 of RFC8713}} with criteria loosely based on those in {{!RFC8989}}. The other paragraphs of {{Section 4.14 of RFC8713}} remain intact. Regards, Luc André Luc André Burdet | Cisco | | Tel: +1 613 254 4814 From: Eligibility-discuss <> on behalf of Lars Eggert <> Date: Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 02:37 To: John C Klensin <> Cc: Barry Leiba <>, Martin Duke <>, Robert Sparks <>, <> Subject: Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not changing in 8713: Ineligibility by being a board/group member. Hi, AD hat on. On 2022-9-21, at 21:31, John C Klensin <> wrote: > FWIW, there is an argument for completely replacing 8713 rather > than adjusting things where needed but relying on it for > everything else. There is that argument, and it was brought up in discussion, but: > While I suspect it would be impractical given the schedule, This. We need to have a specific fix in place by the time the next NomCom cycle starts, and I believe this will not be possible if we open up all of 8713. > If we cannot do that, > the second-best (and more practical) option would be to make it > extremely clear that one looks in this document for a complete > replacement for Section 4.14 (and maybe 4.15, see below) of RFC > 8713 and that 8713 is authoritative for everything else. That seems like an actionable suggestion, and your text suggestion (which I cut) looks reasonable to me. I'm open to discussing a rechartering of the WG to do other changes to the NomCom eligibility criteria after it has delivered its chartered work item, but not before. Thanks, Lars
- [Eligibility-discuss] Repo is up Martin Duke
- [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not cha… Robert Sparks
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… Martin Duke
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… Barry Leiba
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… John C Klensin
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… Lars Eggert
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… Luc André Burdet
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… Luc André Burdet
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… Salz, Rich
- Re: [Eligibility-discuss] don't repeat what's not… Martin Duke