[Emu] Quick comments on draft-sawant-eap-ppt-00

Alan DeKok <aland@deployingradius.com> Tue, 23 July 2024 19:50 UTC

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  These are just some notes which come from skimming the document:

* what is used for the outer identity?  Should it be in NAI form?  What are the privacy implications of using a domain in the outer NAI?

  i.e. the EAP conversation should be routable in an AAA framework.  So the outer identity should be something like @example.com.  What privacy implication does this have for EAP-PPT?

* what certificate is used for the outer TLS session?  How is it validated?

* what happens with session resumption?  Presumably that's a way to correlated multiple sessions.  So even if the PII changes per sessions, the use of resumption will tie two sessions together

  Alan DeKok.