Re: [eppext] New Version Notification for draft-gould-eppext-verificationcode-00.txt
"Gould, James" <> Sat, 10 October 2015 12:44 UTC
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As a followup, my co-authors and I published the China Name Verification Mapping with the information below. I request that both the Verification Code EPP Extension ( draft-gould-eppext-verificationcode ) and the China Name Verification EPP Mapping ( draft-xie-eppext-nv-mapping ) be taken up by the EPPEXT Working Group. There is an agenda item to discuss these drafts at the EPPEXT meeting at IETF 94. Please review the drafts and provide feedback. A new version of I-D, draft-xie-eppext-nv-mapping-00.txt has been successfully submitted by Xie Jiagui and posted to the IETF repository. Name: draft-xie-eppext-nv-mapping Revision: 00 Title: Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) China Name Verification Mapping Document date: 2015-10-09 Group: Individual Submission Pages: 36 URL: Status: Htmlized: Abstract: This document describes an Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) for the provisioning and management of Name Verification (NV) stored in a shared central repository in China. Specified in XML, the mapping defines EPP command syntax and semantics as applied to name verification. Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission until the htmlized version and diff are available at<>. The IETF Secretariat ā JG [] James Gould Distinguished Engineer 703-948-3271 12061 Bluemont Way Reston, VA 20190<> On Oct 1, 2015, at 5:17 PM, Gould, James <<>> wrote: I published draft-gould-eppext-verificationcode as a mechanism for including a verification code for making the data for a transform command as being verified by a 3rd party, which is referred to as a Verification Service Provider (VSP). A subsequent EPP mapping, currently named the China Name Verification Mapping, will be published defining the interface for a China VSP to implement the verification and generate verification codes that work with draft-gould-eppext-verificationcode. I request that this draft and the subsequent draft be taken up by the EPPEXT Working Group. There is an agenda item to discuss these drafts at the EPPEXT meeting at IETF 94. Thanks, ā JG <BF09FAA4-32D8-46E0-BED0-CD72F43BD6E0[81].png> James Gould Distinguished Engineer<x-msg://18/> 703-948-3271 12061 Bluemont Way Reston, VA 20190<> Begin forwarded message: From: <<>> Subject: New Version Notification for draft-gould-eppext-verificationcode-00.txt Date: September 29, 2015 at 5:14:47 PM EDT To: James Gould <<>>, James Gould <<>> A new version of I-D, draft-gould-eppext-verificationcode-00.txt has been successfully submitted by James Gould and posted to the IETF repository. Name: draft-gould-eppext-verificationcode Revision: 00 Title: Verification Code Extension for the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Document date: 2015-09-29 Group: Individual Submission Pages: 33 URL: Status: Htmlized: Abstract: This document describes an Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) extension for including a verification code for marking the data for a transform command as being verified by a 3rd party, which is referred to as the Verification Service Provider (VSP). The verification code is digitally signed by the VSP using XML Signature and is "base64" encoded. The XML Signature includes the VSP signer certificate, so the server can verify that the verification code originated from the VSP. Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission until the htmlized version and diff are available at<>. The IETF Secretariat
- [eppext] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-ā¦ Gould, James
- Re: [eppext] New Version Notification for draft-gā¦ Gould, James