[eppext] gTLD RDAP profile meeting during IETF94
Gustavo Lozano <gustavo.lozano@icann.org> Thu, 15 October 2015 00:18 UTC
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From: Gustavo Lozano <gustavo.lozano@icann.org>
To: "gtld-tech@icann.org" <gtld-tech@icann.org>
Thread-Topic: gTLD RDAP profile meeting during IETF94
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Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 00:18:23 +0000
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Hello, [Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email] Are you interested in meeting during IETF94 in order to discuss the gTLD RDAP profile (see http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gtld-tech/2015-September/000507.html)? If there is enough interest, I could request a room. Remote participation would be provided if there is interest. Regards, Gustavo
- [eppext] gTLD RDAP profile meeting during IETF94 Gustavo Lozano
- Re: [eppext] gTLD RDAP profile meeting during IET… Hollenbeck, Scott
- Re: [eppext] [weirds] gTLD RDAP profile meeting d… Ulrich Wisser
- Re: [eppext] [weirds] gTLD RDAP profile meeting d… Roger D Carney
- Re: [eppext] [weirds] gTLD RDAP profile meeting d… Ning Kong
- Re: [eppext] [weirds] gTLD RDAP profile meeting d… Francisco Arias
- Re: [eppext] [weirds] gTLD RDAP profile meeting d… Francisco Arias