Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables
"Gould, James" <> Wed, 04 November 2015 21:23 UTC
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From: "Gould, James" <>
To: James Galvin <>
Thread-Topic: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables
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Subject: Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables
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Jim, I will be speaking to draft-gould-idn-table at meeting. I haven’t reviewed draft-wilcox-cira-idn-eppext, so I’m unsure of the overlap with draft-ietf-eppext-idnmap and draft-gould-idn-table. The authors of draft-ietf-eppext-idnmap and I created draft-gould-idn-table to address one key item missing from draft-ietf-eppext-idnmap which was how to identify the valid set of table identifiers to pass using draft-ietf-eppext-idnmap for an IDN domain name. We discussed the issue on the list over a period of time, where I was proposing to use language instead of a table identifier. We agreed to stick with the table identifier, but we needed a reliable way to determine the table identifiers specific to the server, which is addressed with draft-gould-idn-table. Both draft-ietf-eppext-idnmap and draft-gould-idn-table have been implemented in the Verisign EPP SDK that includes a client and server implementation. Ideally draft-gould-idn-table and draft-ietf-eppext-idnmap would move up together, but if not draft-gould-idn-table should be included in the next set of working group documents. Let me know if you have any additional questions. Thanks, — JG [] James Gould Distinguished Engineer 703-948-3271 12061 Bluemont Way Reston, VA 20190<> On Nov 4, 2015, at 4:01 PM, James Galvin <<>> wrote: A question that will be asked in the working group meeting today is what to do about IDN tables? There is a working group document that has recently expired: draft-ietf-eppext-idnmap/ This document is languishing because Francisco has not gotten the required implementation statements yet. We can certainly revive it but we may need to consider moving forward with incomplete implementation reports. In addition, there were two related individual submissions that have also recently expired: draft-gould-idn-table/ draft-wilcox-cira-idn-eppext/ These three documents are not all the same but they are related. The question is how to move forward. Are Gould and Wilcox withdrawing their documents? Are they going to seek publication in the EPP Extensions Registry? If they want to seek being adopted by the working group then we will need to address the apparent relationship with the existing working group document. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Thanks, Jim _______________________________________________ EppExt mailing list<>
- [eppext] what to do about IDN tables James Galvin
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables Gould, James
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables James Galvin
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables Gould, James
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables Hollenbeck, Scott
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables Hollenbeck, Scott
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables James Galvin
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables Patrick Mevzek
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables Francisco Arias