Re: [eppext] Adding missing RDAP event action types for gTLDs
Roger D Carney <> Tue, 10 November 2015 21:20 UTC
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Thread-Topic: Adding missing RDAP event action types for gTLDs
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Subject: Re: [eppext] Adding missing RDAP event action types for gTLDs
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Thanks Gustavo. I agree with Scott, from what I recall this is just a proposed timeline. As for this I-D, one comment, one clarification: * Comment: in reading Appendix B of RFC 7483 it states that events represent actions that have taken place against a registered object at a certain date and time. I don't see that Last Update of RDAP Database is an action against a registered object, against the "container" of these registered objects but not against a registered object. This may be just a definition issue, I don't recall reading a definition of Last Update of RDAP Database so it could be defined as: the date/time of the last change to a registration object (domain, host, contact) in the RDAP database. Lacking a definition I would have defined Last Update of RDAP Database literally, so any maintenance including restoration, reference table updates, etc I would say changes the Last Update of RDAP Database. Again maybe just a definition issue. * Clarification: this I-D tries to address the lack of some RDAP data modeling in regards to Registrar Expiration Date but there still is work needed to address getting this data from registrar to registry, correct? I am not aware of a way to do this currently or of work to make this happen. Thanks Roger From: EppExt [] On Behalf Of Hollenbeck, Scott Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 12:48 PM To: Gustavo Lozano; Cc: Subject: Re: [eppext] Adding missing RDAP event action types for gTLDs From: weirds [] On Behalf Of Gustavo Lozano Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 1:29 PM To:<> Cc:<> Subject: [weirds] Adding missing RDAP event action types for gTLDs Hello colleagues, As you may know, two of the open issues in the RDAP profile for gTLDs ( are missing event action types in the base RDAP specification for: * Last update time of the RDAP database * Registrar registration expiration date You may find the details in the following I-D: It's important to promptly add these two event action types based on the timeline for deployment of RDAP in the gTLDs. [snip] If a recall what I heard in Dublin and Yokohama, the timeline is *proposed* and subject to a community review process that is supposed to start later this month - correct? Scott
- Re: [eppext] Adding missing RDAP event action typ… Roger D Carney
- [eppext] Adding missing RDAP event action types f… Gustavo Lozano
- Re: [eppext] Adding missing RDAP event action typ… Hollenbeck, Scott
- Re: [eppext] [weirds] Adding missing RDAP event a… Andrew Newton
- Re: [eppext] Adding missing RDAP event action typ… Francisco Arias
- Re: [eppext] Adding missing RDAP event action typ… Gustavo Lozano
- Re: [eppext] Adding missing RDAP event action typ… Roger D Carney