Re: [Explicit-meas] [EXT] Re: Explicit Flow Measurements implementations

"Bulgarella Fabio (Guest)" <> Tue, 30 March 2021 13:41 UTC

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From: "Bulgarella Fabio (Guest)" <>
To: Ian Swett <>
CC: "" <>, Dmitri Tikhonov <>, "IETF IPPM WG (" <>, "Lubashev, Igor" <>, "" <>, Isabelle Hamchaoui <>, "" <>, Mirja Kuehlewind <>, "" <>, Marcus Ihlar <>
Thread-Topic: [Explicit-meas] [EXT] Re: Explicit Flow Measurements implementations
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Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2021 13:41:46 +0000
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Subject: Re: [Explicit-meas] [EXT] Re: Explicit Flow Measurements implementations
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Hi Ian, All,

here are some implementations of EFM techniques in quic-go if you want to have a look on them.



Loss Tbit (and old delaybit): (note that this implementation is not updated to last quic-go tag as the others, as well as containing the implementation of the old version of the delaybit​; will be soon updated).

Loss QR (and spinbit together):

About the observer, please consider the spindump ( which includes logics for all the EFM techniques.

The Android implementation is quite experimental and for now closed source.

Here are some slides with some tests done in the android implementation and on linux using spindump:


Best Regards,

Fabio and Massimo


Da: Explicit-meas <> per conto di Ian Swett <>
Inviato: martedì 23 marzo 2021 14:31
A: Nilo Massimo
Cc:; Dmitri Tikhonov; IETF IPPM WG ( Lubashev, Igor;; Isabelle Hamchaoui;; Mirja Kuehlewind;; Marcus Ihlar
Oggetto: Re: [Explicit-meas] [EXT] Re: Explicit Flow Measurements implementations

Great, thanks!

On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 7:31 AM Nilo Massimo <<>> wrote:
Hi Ian,
thank you for your reply.

As for our TIM activities, we will collect the material and in the next days we plan to share it via email in the IPPM WG.

Best Regards,


TIM - Telecom Italia
Via G. Reiss Romoli, 274
10148 - Torino (Italy)

From: Ian Swett <<>>
Sent: lunedì 22 marzo 2021 23:24
To: Nilo Massimo <<>>
Cc: IETF IPPM WG (<>) <<>>;<>; Dmitri Tikhonov <<>>; Lubashev, Igor <<>>;<>; Isabelle Hamchaoui <<>>;<>; Mirja Kuehlewind <<>>;<>; Marcus Ihlar <<>>
Subject: [EXT] Re: Explicit Flow Measurements implementations

Thanks for the summary.

Is there a plan to share(via email or presentation) what's been learned from those experiments with the IETF?  If they've been shared in the past and I forgot, please just add relevant links to this thread so they're easy for people to find.

Thanks, Ian

On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 7:57 AM Nilo Massimo <<>> wrote:
Hi All.

After the "Explicit Flow Measurements" draft presentation ( in the IPPM WG on March 12th, it was asked by Ian Sweet and Martin Duke if there are any implementations of the EFM methodology on servers and clients.

Here is a list of some implementations made by the authors of the draft.

TIM/Telecom Italia has realized an implementation for delay measurement with:
- a client and a passive observer on mobile user devices, built in Android using Quic-Go (with gomobile binding) and spindump library.
  The observer executes delay measurements, both with Spin bit and Delay bit marking methods.
  The client app exchange QUIC traffic marked for Spin bit/Delay bit versus a server.

- a server built by mean of Quic-Go, generates marked traffic and supports delay measurements with Spin bit and Delay bit methods.

  This implementation have been tested on TIM production network, both with mobile and fixed access.

- Other implementations for loss algorithms (QR and T) have been tested in our lab with good results and we are planning to move them in production network for some services under our control.

Akamai and Orange have built a monitoring system with QL marking, specifically for loss measurements.
Their implementation has already been used in CDN servers to make EFM.
Litespeed Tech also implemented QL marking in their lsquic library.

Moreover, Ericsson is carrying out several monitoring initiatives using the SpinBit for delay EFM.

Best Regards,
Massimo and Fabio
TIM - Telecom Italia
Via G. Reiss Romoli, 274
10148 - Torino (Italy)

TIM - Uso Interno - Tutti i diritti riservati.

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