[Fecframe] Protocol Action: 'Simple Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction (FEC) Scheme for FECFRAME' to Proposed Standard (draft-ietf-fecframe-simple-rs-06.txt)
The IESG <iesg-secretary@ietf.org> Thu, 10 January 2013 15:47 UTC
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Subject: [Fecframe] Protocol Action: 'Simple Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction (FEC) Scheme for FECFRAME' to Proposed Standard (draft-ietf-fecframe-simple-rs-06.txt)
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The IESG has approved the following document: - 'Simple Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction (FEC) Scheme for FECFRAME' (draft-ietf-fecframe-simple-rs-06.txt) as Proposed Standard This document is the product of the FEC Framework Working Group. The IESG contact persons are Martin Stiemerling and Wesley Eddy. A URL of this Internet Draft is: http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-fecframe-simple-rs/ Technical Summary This document describes a fully-specified simple FEC scheme for Reed- Solomon codes over GF(2^^m), with 2 <= m <= 16, that can be used to protect arbitrary media streams along the lines defined by the FECFRAME framework. Reed-Solomon codes belong to the class of Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) codes which means they offer optimal protection against packet erasures. They are also systematic codes, which means that the source symbols are part of the encoding symbols. The price to pay is a limit on the maximum source block size, on the maximum number of encoding symbols, and a computational complexity higher than that of LDPC codes for instance. Working Group Summary There is consensus within the FECFrame WG to publish this document. The document has been actively discussed on the wg list and in wg meetings. There was no controversy with the progression of this document. Document Quality There are no implementations of this. The draft has received adequate review from key WG members. Personnel Greg Shepherd (gjshep@gmail.com) is the document shepherd and Martin Stiemerling (martin.stiemerling@neclab.eu) is the responsible Area Director.