Re: question about transaction operation in ForCES protocol draft!
Chuanhuang Li <> Tue, 25 December 2007 02:30 UTC
Message-Id: <TUE.25.DEC.2007.103026.0800.>
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:30:26 +0800
From: Chuanhuang Li <>
Subject: Re: question about transaction operation in ForCES protocol draft!
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Dear jamal: I think it is not only an optimization,it may affact the Interoperation between ForCES protocol stacks implemented by different companies,if the protocol hasn't given a clear description! Thanks! Happy Christmas!! > Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2007 10:07:16 -0500> From:> Subject: Re: question about transaction operation in ForCES protocol draft!> To: FORCES@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM> > Dear Chuanhuang Li,> > I think i understand you now - i apologize it took me 3 emails;-> > > You have been saying: TRCOMP matters only for the success case but not> for the failure case.> You are right in the case where we assume that the CE will be failing> the transaction immediately as the text currently reads - which is more> reasonable in the case of a single FE; however, it is feasible that a> failure may trigger the CE to do something else to make some resource> available.> > In any case, i dont think the extra TRCOMP message is incorrect in the> case of failure. I also dont think we really should be making an update> to the protocol at this stage of the game for something that is an> optimization - I will let Avri who is the editor and shepherd of the> draft to make that decision.> > cheers,> jama l> > On Mon, 2007-24-12 at 19:26 +0800, Chuanhuang Li wrote:> > Dear jamal:> > Thanks very much!> > The following is my viewpoints:> > 1:As you said,yes,a single FE on the NE is just one case.But what I> > said is also fit for multiple FEs.> > > > 2:Only the FEs which executed the transaction messages successfully> > wait for the TRCOMP.The FEs which failed will clear the state they> > have kept immediately ,because the information which they have saved> > for possible rollback is useless,and thay needn't wait for the TRCOMP.> > > > 3:The CE needn't tell the FE "please purge state on failure without> > waiting for TRCOMP".> > For multiple FEs:> > The whole transaction failed,if CE recevied one COMMIT-RESPONSE> > message which indicated the execution failed from any this> > case,CE only need send COMMIT message(abort) to the FEs which executed> > successfully,it needn't send the TRCOMP!> > The whole transaction succeed,if CE recevied COMMIT-RESPONSE> > message which ind icated the exec! ution succeed from all FEs!in this> > case ,CE need send TRCOMP to all FEs.> > For sigle FE:> > It is the same with multiple FEs.If CE received COMMIT-RESPONSE> > message which indicated the execution failed,it needn't send the> > TRCOMP!> > _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!
- Re: question about transaction operation in ForCE… Chuanhuang Li
- Re: question about transaction operation in ForCE… Chuanhuang Li
- Re: question about transaction operation in ForCE… Jamal Hadi Salim
- Re: question about transaction operation in ForCE… JiaFenggen
- Re: question about transaction operation in ForCE… Jamal Hadi Salim
- Re: question about transaction operation in ForCE… Chuanhuang Li
- Re: question about transaction operation in ForCE… Chuanhuang Li
- Re: question about transaction operation in ForCE… Jamal Hadi Salim
- Re: question about transaction operation in ForCE… JiaFenggen
- Re: question about transaction operation in ForCE… Chuanhuang Li
- question about transaction operation in ForCES pr… Chuanhuang Li
- Re: question about transaction operation in ForCE… Jamal Hadi Salim
- Re: question about transaction operation in ForCE… Jamal Hadi Salim