[ftpext] "Distributed Transfer Support for FTP"
Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se> Wed, 10 November 2010 09:10 UTC
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Subject: [ftpext] "Distributed Transfer Support for FTP"
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Hi I just noticed this and thought people in this group might be interested: Abstract This document specifies new File Transfer Protocol (FTP) commands to allow for a distributed FTP server to operate correctly. The purpose is to address an issue in the FTP Protocol which causes a truely distributed FTP server from being possible. http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-dd-pret-00 -- / daniel.haxx.se
- [ftpext] "Distributed Transfer Support for FTP" Daniel Stenberg
- Re: [ftpext] "Distributed Transfer Support for FT… Alun Jones
- Re: [ftpext] "Distributed Transfer Support for FT… Damin Daster