[gaia] GAIA and skipping online IETF 109
Leandro Navarro <leandro@ac.upc.edu> Mon, 16 November 2020 20:16 UTC
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Hi All, This time we are skipping the IETF 109 week (no meeting). It took us longer to set up and people is busy, perhaps COVID combined with many events and an ongoing IGF and etc. Let us know if you have suggestions about topics for the next event. We have already several speakers and when we have enough we will prepare an interim meeting. Remember that global access to all (in GAIA) implies not only everyone but also every-”thing", everywhere, and the enviromental social and economic limits of it (the GAIA hypothesis of a self-regulating, complex system), the sustainability of an “universal” Internet (with + and - impacts), implications in architecture and protocols. For instance, the areas the ISOC Foundation highlights: https://www.isocfoundation.org/funding-areas/ Best, Jane/Leandro.
- [gaia] GAIA and skipping online IETF 109 Leandro Navarro