[gaia] GAIA Interim online meeting April 20

Leandro Navarro <leandro@ac.upc.edu> Mon, 06 April 2020 17:34 UTC

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Dear all, I hope you’re well, either safe from infection or already immunised. 

We can have an online interim meeting, planned for April 20, day proposed by the IRSG, using ISOC’s Zoom license.
Please mark your intention to participate in this scheduling web below (name and available GMT times before Friday). By the end of this week we will announce the best time for most.

You can also tell Jane or me if you’d like to propose presentations or any discussion. GAIA’s mission has brought new implications given the ongoing global situation.

Jane and Leandro, as co-chairs.
Leandro Navarro
http://people.ac.upc.edu/leandro	 http://dsg.ac.upc.edu