[gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan
Leandro Navarro <leandro@ac.upc.edu> Tue, 19 January 2021 10:05 UTC
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Dear all, I hope 2021 is way better than 2020+1. This is a message to share ideas for a 2021 plan to discuss topics in different events (IETF meetings and interim) and volunteers to present or organize themes. What you’d like to see? Some initial ideas: - internet minimum common denominator: roadblocks, opportunities, solutions for an internet for everyone (tech, legal, regulatory, investment, etc) - internet for people and the planet: the internet as part of the problem and part of the solution? (how an internet for everyone can be sustainable) - a network for every-thing and people: challenges and opportunities (IoT, home networks, new satellite internets/ISPs, IPv6 finally?, corporate nets, mobile public & community nets) - public vs private internet: traffic, content, neutrality - the maintenance of a public internet commons: software, protocols interoperability, applications, infrastructure (e.g. NTP, IXP, etc) - the pandemic and post-pandemic Internet I can volunteer to organize a couple of sessions on some of these topics, and I’d be happy to support new faces too. Best wishes, -- Leandro Navarro http://people.ac.upc.edu/leandro http://dsg.ac.upc.edu
- [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Leandro Navarro
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan David Johnson
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Arjuna Sathiaseelan
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan David Johnson
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Matogoro Jabera
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Arjuna Sathiaseelan
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Jane Coffin
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Arjuna Sathiaseelan
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Henning Schulzrinne
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Matogoro Jabera
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Marc Bruyere
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Jane Coffin
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Arjuna Sathiaseelan
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Mallory Knodel
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Michael J. Oghia
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Jane Coffin
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Jane Coffin
- Re: [gaia] Ideas for a 2021 plan Jane Coffin