[Gen-art] Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-rtcweb-audio-codecs-for-interop-05

Russ Housley <housley@vigilsec.com> Fri, 26 February 2016 21:29 UTC

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I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area
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Document: draft-ietf-rtcweb-audio-codecs-for-interop-05
Reviewer: Russ Housley
Review Date: 2016-02-26
IETF LC End Date: 2016-03-09
IESG Telechat date: unknown

Summary:  Ready

Major Concerns: None

Minor Concerns:

Section 4.1 talks about AMR-WB, and Section 4.2 talks about AMR.  The
two sections depend upon each other.  Please add some kind of notice to
Section 4.1 so that the reader is not surprised.

Other Editorial Comments:

Section 4.1.2: s/offering "HD Voice" A high/offering "HD Voice". A high/