[Gen-art] A *new* batch of IETF LC reviews - 2012-04-19

"A. Jean Mahoney" <mahoney@nostrum.com> Thu, 19 April 2012 22:09 UTC

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Hi all,

The following reviewers have assignments:

Reviewer               LC end       Draft

Ben Campbell           2012-04-30  draft-ietf-pwe3-static-pw-status-10

Richard Barnes         2012-05-02  draft-ietf-appsawg-about-uri-scheme-04

Roni Even              2012-05-02  draft-ietf-mboned-mcaddrdoc-03

Suresh Krishnan        2012-05-02  

The assignments are captured in the spreadsheets:

And I have made the assignments in the review tool:

The standard template is included below.




I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on
Gen-ART, please see the FAQ at

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments
you may receive.

Review Date:
IETF LC End Date:
IESG Telechat date: (if known)


Major issues:

Minor issues:

Nits/editorial comments: