[Gen-art] Gen-art] Review: draft-ietf-pce-pcep-domain-sequence
"Joel M. Halpern" <jmh@joelhalpern.com> Thu, 29 October 2015 21:12 UTC
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I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed by the IESG for the IETF Chair. Please treat these comments just like any other last call comments. For more information, please see the FAQ at <http://wiki.tools.ietf.org/area/gen/trac/wiki/GenArtfaq>. Document: draft-ietf-pce-pcep-domain-sequence Standard Representation of Domain-Sequence Reviewer: Joel M. Halpern Review Date: 29-October-2015 IETF LC End Date: 09-November-2015 IESG Telechat date: N/A Summary: This draft is almost ready for publication as an experimental RFC. Major issues: Given that Exclude Route Objects are not interleaved with include Objects, is there a restriction that Area IDs may only be excluded from paths within a single AS? Minor issues: It seems a bit odd for an Experimental RFC to use "Standard" in its title. As one possible solution, in parallel with the naming of the related TEAS draft, this could be "Domain Subobjects for Path Computation Engine Protocol." The procedure for updating AS number scope when observing an IP address at a PCE processing an IRO seems fragile as described. Many of the real-time mechanisms for this are error prone. I would recommend that a note be added that this construct be avoided in building IROs whenever possible. Nits/editorial comments:
- [Gen-art] A *new* batch of IETF LC reviews - 2015… A. Jean Mahoney
- Re: [Gen-art] A *new* batch of IETF LC reviews - … A. Jean Mahoney
- [Gen-art] Gen-art] Review: draft-ietf-pce-pcep-do… Joel M. Halpern
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art] Review: draft-ietf-pce-pce… Dhruv Dhody
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art] Review: draft-ietf-pce-pce… Joel Halpern Direct
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art] Review: draft-ietf-pce-pce… Julien Meuric
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art] Review: draft-ietf-pce-pce… Dhruv Dhody
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art] Review: draft-ietf-pce-pce… Dhruv Dhody
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art] Review: draft-ietf-pce-pce… Julien Meuric
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art] Review: draft-ietf-pce-pce… Dhruv Dhody
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art] Review: draft-ietf-pce-pce… Joel M. Halpern
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art] Review: draft-ietf-pce-pce… Jari Arkko