[Gen-art] Gen-ART LC review of draft-ietf-mpls-entropy-lsp-ping-04
"Peter Yee" <peter@akayla.com> Sat, 27 August 2016 07:18 UTC
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From: Peter Yee <peter@akayla.com>
To: draft-ietf-mpls-entropy-lsp-ping.all@ietf.org
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I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed by the IESG for the IETF Chair. Please treat these comments just like any other last call comment. For background on Gen-ART, please see the FAQ at <http://wiki.tools.ietf.org/area/gen/trac/wiki/GenArtfaq> Document: draft-ietf-mpls-entropy-lsp-ping-04 Reviewer: Peter Yee Review Date: August 26, 2016 IETF LC End Date: August 26, 2016 IESG Telechat date: September 1, 2016 Summary: This draft is basically ready for publication as a Proposed Standard, but has some nits that should be fixed before publication. [Ready with nits] This draft expands the ability to perform MPLS LSP Ping and Traceroute operations in the presence of Entropy Labels when LSRs use disparate load balancing methods. I really have no problems with the documents other than some mostly inconsequential nits. Major issues: None Minor issues: None Nits: General: Page 3, Section 1.1: delete the periods after each definition. Change "ELI/EL pushing" to "ELI/EL-pushing". Specific: Page 1, Abstract, 1st paragraph, 3rd sentence: expand LSRs here as this is the first use of the term. Put LSRs in parenthesis. Page 1, Abstract, 1st paragraph, 4th and 5th sentences: change "non-EL based" to "non-EL-based". Page 3, FEC definition: change "Equivalent" to "Equivalence". Page 4, Section 1.2 , 2nd paragraph, last sentence: append a comma after "e.g.". Page 4, Section 1.2, 3rd paragraph, second sentence: change "to not be" to "not being". Page 4, Section 1.2, 1st bullet point, 1st sentence: insert "the" before "label". Page 5, Section 2, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence: append a comma after "y". Page 5, Section 2, 3rd paragraph, 5th sentence: change "(outgoing interface)" to "(outgoing) interface". Page 6, 1st sentence: insert "The" before "Current" after making it lower case. Insert "the" before "following". Page 6, 3rd bullet point, 1st sentence: delete the comma after "ECMP". Page 6, 4th bullet item, 1st sentence: delete the comma after "ECMP". Insert "the" before "associated". Page 6, 3rd asterisk bullet item: change "based on EL" to "based on the EL". Page 6, 4th asterisk bullet item: insert "an" before "ELI". Page 7, Section 3, 1st paragraph, 1st sentence: change the space between "label" and "based" to a hyphen. Page 7, Section 4, 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence: change "PW-FEC" to "PW FEC". Page 9, Section 6, 1st paragraph, 2nd sentence: append a comma after "one". Page 9, L flag definition, 2nd sentence: insert "to one" before "in the echo reply". Or consider working with the definition of "set" to mean "using a value of one" and "clear" to mean using a value of "zero" as you have done in other parts of the document. Page 9, E flag definition, 2nd sentence: insert "to one" before "in the echo reply". Page 11, Associated Label Multipath Information definition, 1st asterisk bullet item: change "16 bit" to "16-bit". Page 12, 1st and 2nd asterisk bullet points: there is no previous mention of an "IP Associated Label Multipath Information". You probably want to drop "IP" to match Figure 2. Whatever you decide, make the change consistently throughout the document as there are other instances of "IP Associated Label Multipath Information", some in mixed case. This is the only nit of real consequence. Page 12, 3rd bullet item: insert "an" before "echo". Insert "the" before "DS". Page 13, Section 9, 1st paragraph after numbered items, 1st sentence: change "to not" to "not to". (That just seems to read more smoothly; grammatically, it's fine.) Page 13, Section 9, 1st asterisk bullet point: insert "the" before "following". Page 13, Section 9, 2nd bullet item, 1st paragraph, 2nd sentence: change "to consider" to "considering". Change "return" to "returning". Page 14, Section 9.1 and 9.2 titles: change "IP Based" to "IP-based". Page 15, 1st two asterisk bullet points: unless it is a well-known term in the LSP Ping/Traceroute literature, change "returning" to "returned". (I couldn't find anything in RFC 4379, RFC 6424, or RFC 6790 that mentions "returning" as a term of art.) Page 15, Section 9.4 title: change "Label Based" to "Label-based". Page 16, Section 9.5 title: change "Label Based" to "Label-based". Page 16, Section 9.5, 3rd and 4th asterisk bullet points: change "returning" to "returned". Page 16, Section 9.5, 5th asterisk bullet point: insert "the" before "Label Multipath Information". Page 17, Section 10, 1st paragraph, 1st sentence: change "purpose" to "purposes". Page 17, items b and c: insert "the" before "label" twice in each sentence. Append a space after the "greater than" symbol. Page 17, "N labels" items (numbered 1 and 2): I'm not sure how to parse these sentences. Perhaps inserting "the" before "label stack" and "a" before "flow label" helps them to make sense, but I'm still not sure what is meant here. This may simply reflect my ignorance regarding MPLS LSP Ping and Traceroute. Page 18, 2nd bullet item: move the period before " (not a recommended practice)". Page 18, 7th bullet item: append "the" after "exceed". Page 19, 1st paragraph: change "supports" to "support".