Re: [Gen-art] Telechat Review of draft-ietf-httpauth-extension-08

Matt Miller <> Wed, 07 September 2016 15:10 UTC

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Hello Oiwasan,

Thank you for your response, and look forward to reading the next revision.

As for that uncompleted thought; my apologies, it should not have been
included!  When I had started that thought, I had not yet finished all
of section 5.  I think, for an experiment, the interaction of
webform/cookie authentication with this extension is covered as well as
can be done until the experiment is performed.

Thanks ,

- m&m

Matt Miller
Cisco Systems, Inc.

On 2016-9-2 21:27, 大岩寛 wrote:
> Dear Matt and Jari,
> Thank you for giving and forwarding us useful comments.
>> On 01 Sep 2016, at 05:15, Matt Miller <> wrote:
>>> * There is at least a couple of mentions of the "Authentication-Info"
>>> header, but no reference to RFC 7615 in which it is defined.  I think
>>> an informational reference is warranted here.
> Thank you for notifying it.  We did it on another draft but not on this.
>>> * Just reading sections 4.5. "Location-when-logout parameter" and 4.6.
>>> "Logout-timeout parameter", it is unclear how these are meant to
>>> interact to inform a client the user's authentication session.
>>> Frankly, I think the text in section 4.5 is too vague about how a
>>> client can detect termination of a user's authenticated session, and
>>> could use more of a hint on how "logout-timeout" is involved to
>>> accomplish it. At the least, I think both sections 4.5. and 4.6. need
>>> pointers to section 5. to help readers get a sense of how to apply
>>> them.
> We'll think about some improvements here, along with other people's comments on this.
>>> * In section 4.7. "Username parameter", I think there should be an
>>> explicit pointer to the Security Considerations to warn about
>>> potential issues this parameter presents.  I also recommend separating
>>> that portion of the Security Considerations about "username" into its
>>> own subsection to make such a callout better.
> It's a good idea. We'll do.
>>> * Since this document is acknowledging that cookies are used for
>>> authentication, and
> Could you give me continuation, if possible?
>>> Nits/editorial comments:
> We'll incorporates these comments. Thank you.