Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD
"Salz, Rich" <> Thu, 21 September 2023 16:25 UTC
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From: "Salz, Rich" <>
To: Warren Kumari <>, Martin Duke <>
CC: "" <>, The IESG <>
Thread-Topic: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD
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Subject: Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD
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On a personal note, I am fairly disappointed (and somewhat hurt) that instead of just *asking* how I spend my time, a BoF was proposed. To me at least, this felt like "Not only are you doing this wrong, but it is so wrong that your input is not useful or needed. We'll design a timecard for you to fill in, and make sure your TPS report is on my desk by Friday." Your impression is misinformed. We were just trying to figure out a good way to collect data on how ADs time is spent because the WG told us to find out where the time is spent before proposing any changes. Since you didn’t attend the gendispatch meeting[1], perhaps you should read the minutes[2]. The minutes from 116 might also be of interest [3]. [1] [2] [3]
- [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD Martin Duke
- Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD Warren Kumari
- Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD Salz, Rich
- Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD S Moonesamy
- Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD Roman Danyliw
- Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD Warren Kumari
- Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD Barry Leiba
- Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD Eric Vyncke (evyncke)
- Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD Warren Kumari
- Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD Warren Kumari
- Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD Salz, Rich
- Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD Pengshuping (Peng Shuping)
- Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD Adrian Farrel
- Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [Gendispatch] How I spend my time as an AD Warren Kumari