Re: [Gendispatch] New Version Notification for draft-ecahc-moderation-00.txt

Brian E Carpenter <> Wed, 19 July 2023 20:55 UTC

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> If you don't think moderation CAN be a tool of control, I can only assume you have zero contact with social or online media.

Your assumption is incorrect, but I think that drawing an analogy between the advertising systems known as "social media" and IETF discussion mechanisms is totally false and harmfully irrelevant.

That's all I have to add.

    Brian Carpenter

On 20-Jul-23 02:13, Salz, Rich wrote:
>>> have the IETF Chair pick a team
>> If that is a problem (which would imply a measure of distrust in the Chair, who is picked by a community process and >trusted in many other ways), how do you think the team *should* be picked?
> Measure of distrust sounds so ominous.  How about "the IETF Chair is not all-knowing about all IETF member constituencies"?  I do consider it a problem. I am sure any IETF Chair will have the best intentions.  As for how I think it should be picked?  Nope, not gonna try to design something in an email thread.
>>> give them very powerful control over ALL IETF online communications
>> No, they are given the right to moderate communications that (by some definition, see below) have become disruptive to ongoing dialogue. That isn't "control over all" of anything.
> Sorry I was not clear.  They are being govern control over (all IETF online communications). If you don't think moderation CAN be a tool of control, I can only assume you have zero contact with social or online media.
>> not require the policy behind that control to go through any IETF process
>> The draft doesn't use the word policy, but refers to "a public set of moderation criteria, processes, actions, and other material."
> Oh come on.  :)
>> If you're arguing that this (especially the criteria) should be developed by a community rough consensus process, I'd agree with you. The next sentence says "The moderator team's criteria and processes SHALL be developed with community input..." Probably we should add that the IESG will judge whether there's rough consensus.
>> But the motivation for this draft is in the section of the draft called "Motivation" and I don't see any need to repeat it here.
> I will be more direct in my criticism.  The best you folks could come up with is a draft that specifies something created top-down which has large influence over all IETF online communication, and ignores the fact that working groups have different working styles and wide latitude to do what they want in favor of uniformity.