[hiprg] tentative agenda for Taipei

Andrei Gurtov <gurtov@hiit.fi> Wed, 12 October 2011 07:01 UTC

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Here is a draft agenda for Taipei HIPRG meeting, assuming we get a
2-hour slot.

Please check your presentation titles!

Andrei Gurtov/CWC. HIPRG Status update   (15 m)

Bob Moskowitz/Verizon. IEEE 802.15.HIP update (15m)

Laszlo BOKOR/BME. HIP-Based Re-Authentication (15 m)

Zoltan Faigl/BME. Delegation-based HIP mobility service in
distributed/flat architectures  (15 m)

Xiaohu Xu/Huawei. Hierarchical HIP and proxies updates (15m)

Jani Pellikka/CWC. HIP EAP AKA.  (15 m)

Tobias Heer/RWTH. WLAN roaming project update (15 m)

Tapio Leva/Aalto. HIP deployment study final results (15 m)

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