Re: [hiprg] Review of draft-irtf-hiprg-dht-03
"Ahrenholz, Jeffrey M" <> Fri, 08 July 2011 20:03 UTC
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From: "Ahrenholz, Jeffrey M" <>
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Date: Fri, 08 Jul 2011 13:03:21 -0700
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Subject: Re: [hiprg] Review of draft-irtf-hiprg-dht-03
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Martin, Thanks for your review. I've posted a -04 revision with changes mentioned here. Comments inline below. > I would swap the Section 3 and Section 4. Section 3 is > relying on the knowledge about what the HDRRs are, but > all of this is introduced in Section 4. Done: sections 3 and 4 are swapped, with a little introductory text (moved from the lookup section) at the beginning of the HDRR section. > - Section 3, page 8, first paragraph on that page: > How often should a HIP peer check whether the name to HIT > binding is still valid? The text only says that a check > if needed, but there is no hint to the frequency, e.g., > years, days, hours, minutes, seconds (?) OK, I've added this sentence: " For example, local policy may specify checking the name-to-HIT binding on a daily basis, while the address record is updated hourly for active peers." Usually I keep HITs tied to a specific name for a long time (years), are there other thoughts on reasonable frequencies? > - Section 4, page 15, last paragraph: > This proposed server side checking could be source of a > denial of service attack, as the DHT server would need > to do some processing on its own. I would either remove > this or document it well in the security section. I added a paragraph to the security considerations section. Is it enough? Any other thoughts on techniques the server should use to mitigate DoS? > - Section 6, page 18, 4th paragraph: > This latency considerations neglect the processing impact > of the DHT itself. DHTs are not the fastest lookup mechanism > in the world. This should also be documented as an impacting factor. I re-worded this paragraph to include DHT slowness as impacting the latency. > - Section 1, first paragraph: > "DHTs are also designed to support frequently updating" > What is frequently in this case? I would understand frequently in > the range of seconds, but this may not be true for DHTs. DHTs can > be updated more frequently than a DNS based approach and that is > what you are probably trying to say here. Yes, more frequently than DNS, fixed. > - Section 2, 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence: > " OpenDHT stores values using (hash) keys." > This is incomplete. I would suggest to write > "OpenDHT stores values and indexes those by using (hash) keys." Fixed. > - Appendix A: > Please add a note that this appendix should be removed by > the RFC editor (assuming that this is the intention). OK, added the note to the appendix title. -Jeff
- [hiprg] FW: Review of draft-irtf-hiprg-dht-03 Henderson, Thomas R
- Re: [hiprg] Review of draft-irtf-hiprg-dht-03 Ahrenholz, Jeffrey M