[hiprg] HIP DEX code comment in meeting
Robert Moskowitz <rgm@htt-consult.com> Thu, 04 August 2011 11:03 UTC
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I caught a comment from someone in the meeting about status of a C++ HIP DEX codebase. I was focused on something else in the session at the time and failed to identify the talker. Since this comment was not made at the mike, when I went through the audio yesterday, I did not pick it up. So.... Can anyone enlighten me as to work on HIP DEX development? :)
- [hiprg] HIP DEX code comment in meeting Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [hiprg] HIP DEX code comment in meeting Jani Pellikka
- Re: [hiprg] HIP DEX code comment in meeting Levä Tapio