[Hipsec-rg] Hierarchical HITs (Was: reverse DNS lookups of HITs)

samu.varjonen at helsinki.fi (Varjonen Samu) Thu, 15 January 2009 12:23 UTC

From: "samu.varjonen at helsinki.fi"
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 14:23:39 +0200
Subject: [Hipsec-rg] Hierarchical HITs (Was: reverse DNS lookups of HITs)
In-Reply-To: <f832b2de31429.31429f832b2de@huawei.com>
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Message-ID: <496F2ACB.4010703@helsinki.fi>

JiangSheng 66104 wrote:
>>> (See http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-jiang-hiprg-hhit-arch-01.txt.)
>> I did not read it thoroughly, but don't you make locators from the 
>> permanent identifiers? I.e. when I change my network provider I 
>> will have 
>> to change the "HIP management domain" part in HIT?
> Yes and no. Yes, when one change networks, it need to get a different HIP management domain, even maybe generate a new HIT based on the new HIP management domain. This will give a big advantage for ISP management on HITs. However, other mechanisms may be used to support the usage of permanent user HITs, mechanisms similar to support CoA and HA in mobile IP senarios.

For me this sounds weird. If you think mobility, the point in the HIT is 
to remain the same from network to network so that the host can be 
identified. If the HIT changes from network to network the HIT loses its 
meaning as identifier. Did I miss something with the ISP managed HITs or 
what is the case here?


>> And in
>> "For each single looking up operation, one may search through most 
>> of the 
>> database, on average, O(number of total global HITs)."
>> Did you mean O(log2(number of HITs)) time, which makes max O(100)?
> I actaully refer to the worst senarios, assuming the HIT is stored disorderly in the data base. On one side, database can store HIT in order and use lookup algorthim to improve looking up effeciency. However, on another side, without proper mechanisms being applied during the HIT generation, there may be many disorder factors, such as HIT databases should be under different management giving the nature of the different ISP, flat HITs may be stored disorderly along a distributed database, etc.
> Best regards,
> Sheng
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