[hiprg] HIPRG charter discussion
"Henderson, Thomas R" <thomas.r.henderson@boeing.com> Mon, 06 June 2011 14:49 UTC
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From: "Henderson, Thomas R" <thomas.r.henderson@boeing.com>
To: "hiprg@irtf.org" <hiprg@irtf.org>
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2011 07:48:47 -0700
Thread-Topic: HIPRG charter discussion
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Subject: [hiprg] HIPRG charter discussion
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With the completion of the experiment report (our main RG charter item since the RG's inception), I would like to ask about future directions of the RG. Outside of completing our current RG drafts, we need to try to define some new collaborative work items and define what role the RG will play relative to the WG. These work items should ideally satisfy the following criteria: - is the research area clear and relevant for the Internet community and for HIP in particular? What are the expected outcomes and impact? - will the RG foster work that would not be done otherwise? For instance, participation drawn from more than a single institution or country. Can we try to identify individuals for this anticipated participation? We can have some discussion of this at the next meeting but I would like to see whether we can start identifying some topics on the list before the meeting. - Tom
- [hiprg] HIPRG charter discussion Henderson, Thomas R
- Re: [hiprg] HIPRG charter discussion Xu Xiaohu
- Re: [hiprg] HIPRG charter discussion Andrei Gurtov
- Re: [hiprg] HIPRG charter discussion Zhen Cao
- Re: [hiprg] HIPRG charter discussion Wendong WANG
- Re: [hiprg] HIPRG charter discussion Andrei Gurtov
- Re: [hiprg] HIPRG charter discussion wdwang
- Re: [hiprg] HIPRG charter discussion Sean Shen 沈烁
- Re: [hiprg] HIPRG charter discussion Mingwei Xu
- Re: [hiprg] HIPRG charter discussion Zhen Cao
- Re: [hiprg] 回复:Re: HIPRG charter discussion Andrei Gurtov